Wednesday, April 6, 2011

splatter paint sunday.

Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day, and after church I decided to do a little art project outside. 
At my graduation ceremony with the umbrella school I attend, we're supposed to have a "senior board." Basically, a trifold filled with pictures illustrating our lives so far. Instead of having just a basic color, I decided it would be way more fun to splatter paint the background.
Paint was everywhere :)

so easy! and yet it looks so awesome.

the grass just turned green again, and now I go off and kill it with paint:)

Our sweet Golden Retriever, Buddy..I guess he was laying just a tad too close. sorry Grayson:)

giveaway time!! beautiful Venetian earrings from here and here.  :)

and if that's not enough for you, try this.

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