Monday, April 25, 2011

louisiana lovin'.

This summer my family will be moving to Louisiana (:
cajun country, if you will.
So last week we took a nice long trip over there: house hunting, school tours, meeting lots of new people and constantly eating endless amounts of amazing food.
I saw an alligator, ate some alligator appetizers, almost stepped on a snake, rode an enormous 4wheeler to my heart's content, chilled with cows, and had a great time with family and friends.
Saying I enjoyed myself would be an understatement.
I love Louisiana.

I realized how much I would love to be a full-time country girl.

My darling brother actually let me take pictures of him! Love you Nathan.

this is nothing phenomenal photography wise, but I was a little too terrified to get a good shot(:

I think they liked me.



Sam said...

have you. lost your flippin' mind.
those cows could have stampeded you man. you'd be dead in like, a second. that's a terrible way to die.

but these pictures are amazing :)

Sara said...

Loving the boots! & the pictures! Especially that last one.