Monday, September 19, 2011

down from the mountains

Since the drive from Athens to Louisiana is around eleven hours, there was no way for me to go home for Labor Day weekend. Originally, I figured I would be stuck in the empty dorm, aimlessly bored and lonely.
But then, to my surprise and utter excitement, my new friend, and hallmate, Perry invited me to go to the mountains with her family and friends!

For four days, I got to enjoy the Ocoee River, the Blue Ridge Mountains,
 and the company of some absolutely wonderful people.

Perry and her sister Margaret!

Perry! unaware of me and my camera.

Perry and Jenna.

just a few of the pictures I took. 
and now for some pictures that I appear in, courtesy of Perry's sweet momma, Miss Carol!

All the girls.

before tubing down the river.

the end!

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