Wednesday, June 29, 2011

just for Nathan.

Today, Nathan was looking at my last post, and all of a sudden he exclaims,
"Hey, I'm not in your June pictures! What is this?" 
Usually this would be a result of Nathan never allowing me to take pictures of him - 
but! this time, it was completely my fault, since we have gotten a picture together this month that we both (surprisingly) love! I forgot to include it though, because it's a polaroid, and is now residing on my mirror. 

So, Nathan, this post is just for you. 
And I want you to know how much I love you, and how much I'm going to miss being around you everyday this next year - I don't think I tell you that enough! It's more like I'm always saying, "Hey!! quit singing!" or "Stop scaring/tripping me!" but I'll even miss those things too. You're such a great kid and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you in Louisiana, because it will be great! God has made it so - just for you. so remember that! and know that I'm always here for you. 
Grayson wrote me something one day, and I don't think he would mind if I shared it with you.
"Growing up in a Christian family is not as easy as many people believe. I encourage you and pray that you will make your relationship with Christ your very own. It is then that you are able to grow in His grace. Love you and miss you and pray for you constantly."

I love you!

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