Sunday was my nineteenth birthday.
My brother Grayson had been telling me all week that we were going to go out Sunday night for cake at the Grit here in Athens - just me, him, Sadie, Jessica, Perry, Haley and Laura.
I was very happy with this plan - couldn't wait for it.
Sunday, I woke up and got ready for church, walked out of my room to find that Jessica and Perry had covered my door with balloons, TANGLED balloons. 

As the day went on, I was greeted with "Happy Birthday!"'s and phone calls and texts and tweets and emails from people I love who love me.
The afternoon was calm and quiet. I worked on a drawing project, studied geography, watched the beginning of "P.S. I Love You," and ate ramen for dinner.
Grayson had told me that he would pick us all up at the Russell bus stop at 8:45, after he finished working with the youth group at our church.
I took my sweet time getting ready; to be honest I was sitting around excitedly waiting - counting down the minutes for the famous long talked about and anticipated Grit cake.
Around 8, Laura had to run to her sister's house down the street because she had forgot her phone there earlier - so she asked if we could pick her up there.
And then Grayson was running late, so I was getting more antsy.
After what seemed like an eternity in my mind, Grayson picked up Jessica, Perry and I and we went to go get Laura. I was planning on simply calling Laura and getting her to come meet us outside, but apparently Grayson had to talk to her sister about an RUF even they were planning together.
Up we walk to the apartment, and I knock on the door.
and Laura opens it, looking very giddy.
which puzzled me until I was greeted by a mass of people jumping out from behind couches and doorways and closets yelling "Surprise!" at the top of their lungs.
Grayson planned me a surprise party
darling of a brother.
It was an incredibly overwhelming feeling - I about cried.
My mom had ordered me a Tangled cake (LOVE) and told Grayson to pick it up and give it to me on my birthday and enjoy with all my friends.
From there, Grayson went and gave me a surprise party.
He got Jessica and Perry and Laura to invite all my friends, and decorate Laura's sister's apartment, and they all made me believe we were just going to the Grit.
I even matched the cake.
sweet Madi
Hannah and Andrew! Some of my first friends at UGA.
Matt, Builder and Logan - awesome RUF friends.
Brooke, Courtney, Kelsey, Rachel, Joelle and Katie.
still in shock
Adrian, and Ronnie, and Builder and Logan creeping in the back.
Courtney, my hallmate and ukulele jam partner.
Laura and Anna
Laura, Anna and Logan
Sadie, My Amazing Brother, Jack, and Ben
Blowing out my candles :)
Licking Rapunzel's feet.
My favorite things with my favorite people.
Dear Grayson,
I know by now I've told you thank you so many times, but I don't really think I can tell you too many times. The thought and effort and time that went into everything you did for my birthday continues to make me smile. You are an incredible brother, and I can't imagine what I would have done this year without you - your constant love, support, encouragement and patience with me.
You made my birthday so incredibly special - I love you
PASCAL!!! love.
Grayson and Sadie - the wonderful masterminds
love yall so much!
Emily and Anna
To my best friends:
you totally lied to me.
And you're wonderful for it. I'm so blessed to have y'all in my life, and I am so excited to spend the rest of our college years together. Sleepy Hollow isn't going to know what hit it. Not to get all mushy, but I honestly don't know how I would've gotten through this year if it weren't for the lovely girls in 801. I can laugh, cry, get mad, happy, angry or sad and I know that you will always be there for me, ready with a hug or a "let's kill 'em." God was good when He gave me you.
I love you
Jack and Michael
Perry won pin the tail on the donkey.. because she CHEATED.
making a promise not to drop me
5 North!
buncha dorks.
Laura, Kati, and Anna
we danced
Kyle and Nathan
Sadie and Diana
my birthday sign!!!
the rest of 5 North, awkward picture.
Perry spinned me so many times I about fell over and threw up
epic winner of a birthday.
auto timer mishap.
scary Drake.
I got stuck.
love them
the last moments of my birthday!
thanks to all who put it together, and to all the lovely people who came!
As I'm sure you can see from all the pictures,
my nineteenth birthday was by far one of my favorites.