Alright, yes, blogging has resided on a very cold back burner as of late. There's just always something that needs to be done! Schedules, buses, cleaning, laundry, homework, food, sleep...
and then I would like to have a social life. Juggling it all is going to take some getting used to.
Classes started Monday; I'm learning to love it, despite the ever on-coming stress and exhaustion.
I live in a high rise dorm, in a cubby of a room, with a smidgen of a closet.
It's becoming cozier with time..
My roommate, Laura, sleeps and studies on the left side. Me on the right.
Pictures and posters help the cozy factor a lot..
And see that blanket on hanging on the bed?
I knitted that. Yes, I did. Nathan and Grayson, yours are coming, in time.
I've been told that I'm the clean roommate.
A little scary, I must admit.
So there is my room! Tour is over.
Yesterday, I went out and bought a fish!
His name is Oscar.
I'm missing my menagerie of pets at home - and the dorms only allow us to have fish. So, Oscar is my attempt to fill the void. He adds a little something to the room. We have name tags on our doors; we plan on making one for him as well.
I'm loving being an art major.
Like in my Drawing 1 class, all we've drawn so far is cups.
Simply awesome. I can't even begin to explain.
I should probably explain the title of this post, though.
I'm a turtle on a fence post.
Basically, if you see a turtle sitting on a fence post, obviously, you know that the turtle did not get there by himself. Someone had to put him there; he couldn't do it on his own and can take no credit for it.
By His grace, God has put me here - for His purpose.
I know that I will never fully understand the gravity of His blessings.
But I can't wait to continually find them anew and abundant in my life.
-Mary Catherine.